Pulling Twitter Engagements Using the v2 API as Well as rtweet 2022-04-11 This is a follow-up to a short post I wrote on R Access to Twitter’s v2 API. In this post I’ll walk through a few more examples of pulling data from twitter using a mix of Twitter’s v2 API as well as … rjson httr jsonlite dplyr purrr lubridate rtweet tidyr glue rstudioapi fs readr tidyverse
Identifying R Functions & Packages in Github Gists (funspotr part 2) 2022-02-07 This post is part two in a series of posts introducing funspotr. See also: […] This post shows how funspotr can also be applied to parse gists: […] By functions or packages … dplyr purrr stringr funspotr readr DT fs rstudioapi
Identifying R Functions & Packages Used in GitHub Repos (funspotr part 1) 2022-01-18 TLDR: funspotr provides helpers for spotting the functions and packages in R and Rmarkdown files and associated github repositories. See Examples for catalogues of the functions/packages used in posts … dplyr funspotr yaml purrr fs readr here
Predicting NBA Playoff Berths: FiveThirtyEight vs Betting Markets 2021-12-17 TLDR: FiveThirtyEight’s forecasts of NBA playoff berths seem to hold-up OK against betting markets. If you trust them, you should consider betting against the Lakers right now. In The Virtues and … stringr dplyr glue gt rvest janitor lubridate purrr tidyr readr fs broom
Use Flipbooks to Explain Your Code and Thought Process 2020-06-24 Using the pipe operator (%>%) is one of my favorite things about coding in R and the tidyverse. However when it was first shown to me, I couldn’t understand what the #rstats nut describing it was … dplyr tidyr purrr ggplot ggbeeswarm animatrixr emo rlang fs pagedown magick here pdftools officer flair flipbookr